Sindhi Koki – celebrating flavours and memories from a Sindhi kitchen The shrine of Bodlo Bahar in Sehwan Sharif BIG BANG: ARE WE GOING FORWARD OR TURNING BACKWARD? 35-Day World Culture Festival to begin in Karachi on Sep. 26 A roadmap to a meaningful and fulfilling existence Ballad of the Non-Existent – Poetry from Italy Ashraf Aboul-Yazid, CAJ First Secretary General Building Peace – Poetry from Italy
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Khyber Pakhtunkhwa

Pakistan’s rare wild pheasants being pushed to the edge

Karachi, Sindh, Pakistan Pakistan is fast losing several rare wild pheasant species due to a string of threats including habitat degradation, hunting, climate change and human intervention, with wildlife experts warning that their extinction would be “disastrous” for ecosystems and biodiversity. Due to increasing habitat

Pakistan’s critically endangered leopards in fight for survival

Common leopards in Pakistan are facing a range of threats, including loss of habitat and conflict with humans – Conservationists decry lack of data on leopard population, which is estimated to be in the hundreds ISLAMABAD Conservationists have warned that Pakistan’s already critically endangered common leopard

Buddhist Rock Art of Diamer’s Thalpan

The Thalpan Rock Art, a rare and remarkable testament to our rich history, is scattered along the Karakoram Highway, from Shatial in Khyber Pakhtunkhwa to the sacred rock of Hunza The Thalpan Rock Art, a rare and remarkable testament to our rich history, is scattered along the Karakoram Highway, from Shatial in Khyber Pakhtunkhwa to the

‘Only unpredictability is certain’ as climate extremes grip Pakistan

Pakistan has gone from wettest April in history to a scorching heat wave that has pushed temperatures up to 53C – Pakistan has gone from wettest April in history to a scorching heat wave that has pushed temperatures up to 53C – Volatile weather is severely impacting agricultural sector, including production of prized

Who are the frontrunners in Pakistan’s crucial elections?

Tough contest is expected between three mainstream political parties: Pakistan Muslim League – Nawaz, Pakistan Tehreek-e-Insaf and Pakistan People’s Party A party needs to win 169 seats in the National Assembly, the 336-member lower house of Parliament, to form a government with simple majority KARACHI, Sindh,